
All my Houses

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create coupon

Create my coupon for others?

Step 1. User A logins in this APP, goes to tasks page

Step 2. Click coupons from me

Step 3. Goto the list of coupons from me

Step 4. Click the scan button to create a coupon.

scan qrcode

Scan QR code of other users?

Step 1. User A will show the camera preview window

Step 2. Find the QR code of user B.

Step 3. User A will see the alert window showing up, click button create coupon.

Save coupon

Preview the new coupon and save it?

Step 1. Preview the new coupon

Step 2. Change the other information of this coupon, by switching pages.

Step 3. Click the button create coupon and then go back to the coupon list.

Step 4. The new coupon for others is listed now.

Check coupon

Check the new coupon in user B?

Step 1. User B goes back to tasks page

Step 2. Click the item my coupons.

Step 3. Check the new coupon is listed.

Step 4. Click the new coupon and check the details by switching pages.